I am trying to start a secure MQTT connection using MQTTNet on the Hololens 1. I managed to load all necessary certificates, however, the connection fails because the EC-Curve sepc521r1 is required. On a Win10 desktop system, this can be enabled using the Powershell command Enable-TlsEccCurve "NistP521"
Can I somehow enable this curve on the Hololens?
I talked to the team a bit further and it doesn’t appear we have a CSP that would enable this. Could you submit a feature request via feedback hub on new feature request to be considered in future releases of HoloLens OS and devices? If it’s a hot impacted feature, it will be possible to be given priority to jump in the development schedule.
For how to post feedback request, you can follow this doc: Send feedback to Microsoft with the Feedback Hub app.