I have a List of products with their expiry dates. I want to apply styles depending on whether my item is going to expire today, not expire today or has already expired.(There could be many more conditions which I want to work with).
I have successfully managed to do it using nested ternary operator or using an array of styles with ternary operator as shown below.
[exp_check === -1 ? { backgroundColor: '#ff9ea5' } : null,
exp_check === 0 ? { backgroundColor: '#fff185' } : null]
exp_check !== 1 ?
exp_check === -1 ? { status: 'error', value: `!` } : { status: 'warning'} : null
Is there a way to achieve something like a switch statement for the style or for any other prop for that matter. I want to be able to easily set my props conditionally without having to write nested logic or arrays. Something along the lines of :
stlye / badge / any prop accepted by the component = {
CASE1: ..
etc etc
I am not sure if I can write an IF/ELSE statement inside the prop because I have not been able to get it to compile if I try to do that.
Consider an approach where you have a categorization function that bins a given item into a particular group, then map props or styles or classnames onto the groups.
const ONE_HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60;
const ONE_DAY = ONE_HOUR * 24;
// an array of status names/labels, each with a predicate function
// to test whether a given item matches. first match wins.
const bins = [
status: 'expired',
predicate: time => time < Date.now(),
status: 'urgent',
predicate: time => Date.now() - time < ONE_HOUR
status: 'soon',
predicate: time => Date.now() - time < ONE_DAY,
status: 'normal'
predicate: () => true
// find the first bin whose predicate function returns true for the item and use that bin's 'status'
const expirationStatus = bins.find(bin => bin.predicate(item.expirationTime)).status;
// now expirationStatus is one of 'expired', 'urgent', 'soon', or 'normal'
// which you can then use to assign styles or classNames or whatever:
// these could live in the bins too, as a 'style' or 'className' property or whatever.
const styles = {
expired: {
background: 'grey',
urgent: {
background: 'red'
soon: {
background: 'yellow'
normal: {
background: 'green'
return (
style={styles[expirationStatus]} {/* this */}
status={expirationStatus} {/* and/or this */}
className={expirationStatus} {/* and/or this */}