So I am trying to retrieve all the users IDs from my sqlite3 database. I have a tkinter gui with a check-in Button
when the user clicks the button they are prompted to scan their tag(rfid). I am trying to compare the tag id once the tag is scanned to all of the users Uids in the database and check if the two match. If they do match I am trying to print User Verified if the tag does not match one of the UIDs in the table I am trying to print No user exist,Denied
from tkinter import *
import sqlite3 as sql
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522
reader = SimpleMFRC522()
global r
global uid_tag
def chk():
Database = sql.connect('MedaDataBase.db')
# cursor
c= Database.cursor()
#Query uid database
c.execute("SELECT*, userID FROM Users ")
#Fetch all uids from Database
r= c.fetchall()
if r:
#Getting user uid from tag
id,uid_tag =
def checker():
global uid_tag
global r
for x in r:
#If userId from tag is in the database
if uid_tag == x:
print("User Verified")
in chk(), r is not defined as global, so you are reading to a local variable and the global variable is still uninitialized.