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Unable to delete a directory in Azure

I have a fileshare in Azure, which contains folders inside, which in turn has many folders inside. I am trying to delete a folder manually by right clicking on the folder, which has so many files inside and it says

Failed to delete directory. Error: The specified directory is not empty.

How the directory can be deleted? There are thousands of files in the directory to be deleted and each and every file cannot be deleted manually in order to delete the directory


  • Update:

    you can use Azure Storage Explorer(Please refer to this article about how to install it and use it.), then nav to your fileshare -> right click the folder -> select delete. This can delete a non-empty folder.

    or you can use AzCopy(see here for more details about this tool) with azcopy remove command and --recursive parameter.


    It's not possible to delete a non-empty folder in azure file share, you should first remove all the files inside it.

    Please consider writing some code for the purpose. And there is an article which uses powershell to delete a non-empty folder. Here is the powershell code used in this article(you can also find the source code in github here):

    function RemoveFileDir ([Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File.CloudFileDirectory] $dir, [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.IStorageContext] $ctx)
        $filelist = Get-AzStorageFile -Directory $dir
        foreach ($f in $filelist)
            if ($f.GetType().Name -eq "CloudFileDirectory")
                RemoveFileDir $f $ctx #Calling the same unction again. This is recursion.
                Remove-AzStorageFile -File $f           
        Remove-AzStorageDirectory -Directory $dir
    #define varibales
    $StorageAccountName = "Your Storage account name" 
    $StorageAccountKey = "Your storage account primary key"
    $AzShare = "your azure file share name"
    $AzDirectory = "LatestPublish - your directory name under which you want to delete everything; including this directry"
    #create primary region storage context
    $ctx = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $StorageAccountKey
    #Check for Share Existence
    $S = Get-AzStorageShare -Context $ctx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $AzShare}
    # Check for directory
    $d = Get-AzStorageFile -Share $S -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|select Name
    if ($d.Name -notcontains $AzDirectory)
        # directory is not present; no action to be performed
        $dir = Get-AzStorageFile -Share $s -Path $AzDirectory    
        RemoveFileDir $dir $ctx    