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str_c using " in R

Could someone please help me while I'm trying to build this final line:

[1] ("mercury" AND "earth" AND "Jupiter" AND "Uranus" AND "Pluto?") 

By using below code

df <- structure(list(AND = c("mercury", "earth", "Jupiter", "Uranus", 
"Pluto?"), OR = c("venus", "Mars", "Saturn", "Neptune", "")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

# fist
first <- str_c(c(' (" ' ,df$AND[1], ' "  ' ), sep = "")

# in between
between <- str_c(df$AND[2:(nrow(df) - 1)], sep = '  " AND "  ')

# last
last <- str_c(c(' " ',df$AND[nrow(df)], ' ")  ' ), sep = "")

# full

str_c(c(first,between,last), sep = "")

But this how my result looks like:

[1] " (\" "   "mercury" " \"  "   "earth"   "Jupiter" "Uranus"  " \" "    "Pluto?"  " \")  " 


  • You can use :

    str_c('(', str_c(excel$AND, collapse  = ' AND '), ')')
    #Similar using paste0
    #paste0('(', paste0(excel$AND, collapse  = ' AND '), ')')
    #[1] "(mercury AND earth AND Jupiter AND Uranus AND Pluto?)"

    OR a base R version would be :

    sprintf('(%s)', paste0(excel$AND, collapse  = ' AND '))
    #[1] "(mercury AND earth AND Jupiter AND Uranus AND Pluto?)"

    If we need quotes around each word we can twist sprintf output to :

    tmp <- sprintf('("%s")', paste0(excel$AND, collapse  = '" AND "'))
    #("mercury" AND "earth" AND "Jupiter" AND "Uranus" AND "Pluto?")