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No sound in Phaser 3 app when using Capacitor to build for iOS

I have created a simple Phaser 3 test app (in Typescript, with rollup to transpile) and am using Capacitor to convert it into an iOS app on my Mac.

This is the relevant part of the app:

function preload () {'boom', ['boom.mp3', 'boom.ogg', './boom-44100.ogg', './boom-44100.mp3']);
    this.load.image('wizball', './wizball.png');

function create () {
    const image = this.add.image(400, 300, 'wizball').setInteractive();;
    this.boom = this.sound.add('boom');
    image.on('pointerup', () => {;

The app shows an image of a wizball, and if you click it, you hear "boom".

When I run it:

  • With npm run watch, using http://localhost:10001 in a browser on my Mac, it works fine;
  • By loading index.html in the dist/ dir in a browser on my Mac, it works fine;
  • By loading on either my Mac or my iPad, it works fine;
  • But when I use Capacitor to build an iOS app in Xcode, clicking the image gives no sound at all.

These are the steps to generate the iOS app:

npm i
npm run watch
npx cap add ios
npx cap copy ios
npx cap open ios

The console log in Xcode shows the following error:

Error: There is no audio asset with key "boom" in the audio cache
⚡️  URL: capacitor://localhost/game.js

I find this strange, because the image asset can be found just fine. In the ios/App/public/ dir, both boom.mp3 and wizball.png are present.

I have put the full code, with steps to reproduce, here: You will need node 10+ and Xcode (with at least one virtual device configured) installed to build the iOS app.

What am I overlooking?


  • Disable web audio in your game config, add to bottom of your game config to be like this.

    let game = new Phaser.Game({
      audio: {
        disableWebAudio: true


    • Disable web audio will make phaser use html5 audio.
    • Using html5 audio instead of web audio will make your game lag

    Another workaround for this problem are:

    1. Use external audio files, web audio still can work if you using audio files not from internal assets (I still can't find out why)
    2. Using native audio/media plugin to play the audio for the phaser-capacitor app