Here is my dataframe
I have patients with different diagnoses, some of them have multiple diagnoses. These diagnoses are dummy variables that need to be converted into categorical variables. If the patient has Mult.diag==1
, his diagnosis will be Multiple.diag
, otherwise his diagnosis will be either Diag1
, Diag2
or Diag3
. If the patient has 0 for the whole variables, the diagnosis will be "Other"
Here is what I want to have:
ID Diagnosis
1 1 Diag1
2 2 Diag2
3 3 Multiple.Diag
4 4 Multiple.Diag
5 5 Diag1
6 6 Diag3
7 7 Multiple.Diag
8 8 Other
with tidyverse you could also do:
data %>%
pivot_longer(-ID) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(name = if_else(value == 0, 'other',name), value= NULL)
# A tibble: 8 x 2
# Groups: ID [8]
ID name
<int> <chr>
1 1 Diag1
2 2 Diag2
3 3 Multiple.Diag
4 4 Multiple.Diag
5 5 Diag1
6 6 Diag3
7 7 Multiple.Diag
8 8 other