I am having issues processing the inner array (variants). Getting Object of type class java.lang.String cannot be used as an array
<cfset jsonData = deserializeJSON(httpResp.fileContent) />
<cfset products = jsonData.products>
<cfloop array="#products#" index="x">
#x.id# - #x.handle# <br>
<cfset variants = "variants">
<cfloop array="variants" index= "i">
With help of RRK (not sure how to give him credit for it), I was able to make it work:
<cfset jsonData = deserializeJSON(httpResp.fileContent) />
<cfset products = jsonData.products>
<cfloop array="#products#" index="x">
#x.id# - #x.handle# <br>
<cfset variants = "#x.variants#">
<cfloop array="#variants#" index= "i">
<cfif IsDefined("i.barcode") and i.barcode is not "">
#i.barcode# <br>