In C++/CLI code I need to check if the type is a specific generic type. In C# it would be:
public static class type_helper {
public static bool is_dict( Type t ) {
return t.IsGenericType
&& t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDictionary<,>);
but in cpp++\cli it does not work the same way, compiler shows the syntax error:
class type_helper {
static bool is_dict( Type^ t ) {
return t->IsGenericType && t->GetGenericTypeDefinition()
== System::Collections::Generic::IDictionary<,>::typeid;
The best way I find is compare strings like this:
class type_helper {
static bool is_dict( Type^ t ) {
return t->IsGenericType
&& t->GetGenericTypeDefinition()->Name == "IDictionary`2";
Does anybody know the better way?
PS: Is it limitation of typeof (typeid) in c++\cli or I do not know "correct" systax?
You could write:
return t->IsGenericType
&& t->GetGenericTypeDefinition() == System::Collections::Generic::IDictionary<int,int>::typeid->GetGenericTypeDefinition();