I need to pick that portion of a string
column in Teradata sql that appears after the last underscore. If the string is blank, it must return blank. The string can have multiple underscores.
input output
abc_def_ghi ghi
ab_cd_ef_gh_ij ij
ab_cd cd
ab_11_22 22
How can I write to regex to capture the end section of such a string column?
can search backwards, instr(col, '_', -1)
finds the last underscore:
substr(col, instr(col, '_', -1) +1)
Or a RegEx, which searches for characters between the last underscore and the end of the string:
Both solutions will return the full string if there's no underscore.
If you change the RegEx to '_[^_]*$'
it returns NULL if there's no underscore.