I'm new to C++, and I need to find the one word inputted (searchWord) within the text file "input.txt".
I have it now where it will output every word in the file, but I need it to just output the inputted string and find it.
using namespace std;
int main(){
// Variable Declaration
string fileName;
string searchWord;
int exitValue = 0;
// Name the file to open
ifstream inputFile;
// Prompt the user to enter the file name
cout << "Enter the name of the file: ";
cin >> fileName;
// Logic to determine if the file name equals "input.txt"
if (fileName == "input.txt"){ // if user input = input.txt
inputFile.open("input.txt"); // opening input.txt
cout << "\nCould not open '" << fileName << "'." << endl;
// Prompt the user for a word to search for in the file
cout << "Enter a value to search for: ";
cin >> searchWord;
// Logic to determine if the inputted string is in the file or not
while (inputFile >> searchWord){
cout << "\n'" << searchWord << "' was found in '"
<< fileName << "'." << endl;
return 0;
Do it just a bit different:
// Logic to determine if the inputted string is in the file or not
string inputWord;
while (inputFile >> inputWord){ // Do not overwrite the given searchWord
if(inputWord == searchWord ) { // Check if the input read equals searchWord
cout << "\n'" << searchWord << "' was found in '"
<< fileName << "'." << endl;
break; // End the loop