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Future.wait possible in future builder when futures return different value types?

I have found answers how to wait for 2 different futures when building widgets, but these were of the same type. Example from here:

But is there also a possibility if firstFuture() and secondFuture() return different value types - eg int and String (or different classes as in my use case)? The bool in AsyncSnapshot<List<bool>> snapshot is a challenge to me...

    future: Future.wait([
         firstFuture(), // Future<bool> firstFuture() async {...}
         secondFuture(),// Future<bool> secondFuture() async {...}
         //... More futures
    builder: (
       // List of booleans(results of all futures above)
       AsyncSnapshot<List<bool>> snapshot, 

       // Check hasData once for all futures.
       if (!snapshot.hasData) { 
          return CircularProgressIndicator();

       // Access first Future's data:

       // Access second Future's data:

       return Container();


I also found another answer with different types, but this apples to functions not classes

List<Foo> foos;
List<Bar> bars;
List<FooBars> foobars;

await Future.wait<void>([
  downloader.getFoos().then((result) => foos = result),
  downloader.getBars().then((result) => bars = result),
  downloader.getFooBars().then((result) => foobars = result),

processData(foos, bars, foobars);


  • Well, you can always use Object as the lowest common return value of those two methods:

    Future.wait<Object>([firstFuture(), secondFuture()])

    But you will have to cast the entries of the resulting List<Object> back to what you think they should be. Not perfect, but it would work.

    Personally, I like the method you already discovered a bit more, return only the bare minimum future, a Future<void> and have it write to the respective variables inside the method. That is not perfect either, but it keeps the type safety.