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How to migrate wordpress to EC2 bitnami?

What I want Copy the content from an existing wordpress website and move it to another ec2 instance. Content size over 600MB.

What I have tried so far:

  • created an Amazon EC2 instance and installed Wordpress by Bitnami
  • ssh into the the EC2 instance ssh -i AWS-New-Celleste-Key.pem
  • installed Duplicator as in
  • successfully downloaded the installer.php and backup zip from the originator site
  • using FileZilla, I transferred via sftp the two files from my local pc to /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs in the EC2 instance destination

Question: is this the folder where I should drop the files? When I go to I get Page Not Found.

enter image description here


  • To access it at you need to put the files in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs