Here is an example of my problem :
here is the worksheet n°1
I would like to provide the path of a source file and that the informations are deduced from the first worksheet and displayed in the table of the second worksheet.
Here is the query related to the cell "total of people". I still don't know how to fetch the information from another file
This tutorial is probably a solution to my issue :
The exemple file work well but for some reasons I can't use another file with this technique ...
this following line (tblSourceData is the table name of the exemple) :
need to be different (Table1 is the table name of my new file) :
here is the proof of the table name of my new file :
But I get this error when I edit the name :
(I have obviously correctly changed the path to the source file in my cells for this exemple)
The solution was to don't forget to creat a real Table in the source file with the name "Table1".