I'm building an app where each subdomain has its own database.
For example:
"example1.app.dev" uses "example1_dbo" database
"example2.app.dev" uses "example2_dbo" database
Each subdomain has its own users, meaning that for example:
user_ex1 can only login on example1.app.dev because he is set in example1_dbo
user_ex2 can only login on example2.app.dev because he is set in example2_dbo
How do I achieve this with Laravel Auth? Basicaly I have set subdomain routing:
Route::domain('{account}.myapp.dev')->group(function () {})
And i have set up database connections in config/database.php and env file.
I have used this concept on Eloquent models with Model->setConnection($account)
But this method is exhausting while app is growing...
I'm looking for Middleware solution where i can change default DB connection for request globally and for Auth as well while i was not able to get authentication to work.
Have you tried this package: https://github.com/stancl/tenancy
It provide that out of the box. hope it is helpful.