I am trying from a local machine, to daily check what are the new files in the server, then copy them with one scp.
I call the script with ssh bastibast@ 'bash -s' < fileretriever.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash -x
FILES=$(find /home/bastibast/test -type f -mtime 0 )
echo "'$FILES'"
scp -T -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa bastibast@"'$FILES'" ~/test/multiplecopy
However nothing is copied to my local machine.
Output of echo "'$FILES'": '/home/bastibast/test/test2 /home/bastibast/test/test1 /home/bastibast/test/script'
And when I run scp -T bastibast@'/home/bastibast/test/test2 /home/bastibast/test/test1 /home/bastibast/test/script' ~/test/multiplecopy
It works perfectly, the 3 files are copied to my local machine. Why won't it work in the script ?
What I was trying to do could be done way more easily by just extracting the output of the command find into a variable with ssh
FILES=$(ssh bastibast@ -- find /home/bastibast/test -type f -mtime 0 2>&1)
And then scp from there.