Slightly generalised example:
How do I make a for loop with exceptions when I define model equations?
The following works:
model Test
Real[9] q;
q[2] = 1.2;
q[4] = 1.4;
for i in {1,3,5,6,7,8,9} loop
q[i] = 0;
end for;
end Test;
But I would rather like to write something like:
model Test
Real[9] q;
q[2] = 1.2;
q[4] = 1.4;
for i in 1:9 and not in {2,4} loop
q[i] = 0;
end for;
end Test;
Is this possible?
This should be possible, as long as you make sure to have an equation for every unknown.
Probably not the perfect solution, but actually pretty readable:
model LoopException
Real[9] q;
q[2] = 1.2;
q[4] = 1.4;
for i in 1:9 loop
if Modelica.Math.Vectors.find(i, {2, 4}) == 0 then
q[i] = 0;
end if;
end for;
end LoopException;
As an alternative, you could also try to write an "Array Constructor with Iterators" (Modelica Language Spec. Sec. 10.4.1), but that probably gets a bit messy...