I am trying desperately to understand the architecture of OpenGL support in Qt5.
My current problem is this: I have some existing OpenGL code (desktop, not OpenGL ES) that uses some OpenGL extensions, including glGenBuffersARB
. Outside Qt5 getting access to the functions for extensions like this is trivial, for example by using GLEW I could simply do this:
And everything would just magically work as expected, and I could start to use glGenBuffersARB
straight away. If I was ever worried, I could throw in a call to glewIsSupported
to be sure it was supported.
But in Qt5 there is a warning that GLEW and QOpenGLFunctions
don't play well together (copied from qopenglfunctions.h
#ifdef __GLEW_H__
#if defined(Q_CC_GNU)
#warning qopenglfunctions.h is not compatible with GLEW, GLEW defines will be undefined
#warning To use GLEW with Qt, do not include <qopengl.h> or <QOpenGLFunctions> after glew.h
So let's say that I for the sake of this question and to satisfy the curiosity ditch GLEW completely and rely solely on Qt5 for a pure Qt5 approach. How would I get my existing OpenGL code that relies on glGenBuffersARB to work without manually binding each and every extension function manually?
NOTE: I know I can follow tips in this answer and do this:
auto functions = context->versionFunctions<QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core>();
if (!functions) error();
But then I would have to prefix every single line of existing OpenGL code with functions->
which I would rather not do.
The way to have GL functions be available to the class in Qt5, without needing to use a helper, is to make your GL class derive from a subclass of QAbstractOpenGLFunctions. For example your header file might look something like this:
#include <QOpenGLFunctions_1_1>
class MyGLClass : protected QOpenGLFunctions_1_1
Then in your initialize method you need to initialize the OpenGL functions like so:
void MyGLClass::initialize()
if (!initializeOpenGLFunctions()) {
qFatal("initializeOpenGLFunctions failed");