Search code examples

flexigrid examples returning data from mysql

I'm sure it can be done, I just need to see some examples. I want to use flexigrid to show massive sets of data stored in mysql. I am proficient in php, but new to jquery and json.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or provide a good example? I need to see how to return data back to the flexigrid json.

Thank you

Great Tutorial on this topic


  • This is just the partial code for returning your database results, you would call you page with the flexigrid jquery code

            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
             $data['rows'][] = array(
                                      'id' => $row['pf_id'],
                                      'cell' => array(
                                                   $row['cat_link'] = "<a href=\"catagory_edit.php?cat_id=".$row['cat_id']."\">Edit</a> | <a href=\"catagory_to_family_association.php?cat_id=".$row['cat_id']."\">Associate Familys</a> | <a href=\"category_child_order.php?cat_id=".$row['cat_id']."\">Order Children</a>")); }
    echo json_encode($data);

    call the page with the flexigrid jquery code

                url: 'category_main_json.php',
                            dataType: 'json',
                            colModel : [
                                {display: 'Code', name : 'cat_code', width : 70, sortable : true, align: 'left'},
                                {display: 'Name', name : 'cat_title', width : 550, sortable : true, align: 'left'},
                                {display: 'Action', name : 'cat_link', width : 205, sortable : true, align: 'left'},
                            buttons : [
                                {name: 'Add New Category', bclass: 'add', onpress : test},
                                {separator: true}
                            searchitems : [
                                {display: 'Code', name : 'cat_code'},
                                {display: 'Name', name : 'cat_title', isdefault: true}
                            sortname: "cat_code",
                            sortorder: "asc",
                            usepager: true,
                            useRp: true,
                            rp: 50,
                            showTableToggleBtn: false,
                            resizable: false,
                            width: 880,
                            height: 450,
                            singleSelect: true,
                            showTableToggleBtn: false