I have a native api function which looks like:
DWORD WINAPI WlanRegisterNotification(
__in HANDLE hClientHandle,
__in DWORD dwNotifSource,
__in BOOL bIgnoreDuplicate,
__in_opt PVOID pCallbackContext,
__reserved PVOID pReserved,
__out_opt PDWORD pdwPrevNotifSource
I have translated it to C# as:
[DllImport("Wlanapi.dll", EntryPoint = "WlanRegisterNotification")]
public static extern uint WlanRegisterNotification(
IntPtr hClientHandle, WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE dwNotifSource,
bool bIgnoreDuplicate, WLAN_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK funcCallback,
IntPtr pCallbackContext, IntPtr pReserved,
[Out] out WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE pdwPrevNotifSource);
The callback function looks like:
PVOID context
I am guessing the C# version will look something like:
public delegate void WLAN_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK(
IntPtr pWlanNotificationData, IntPtr pContext)
Essentially I have two questions:
Is a delegate the correct object to use for a native method that expects a function pointer?
And if so, will this automatically call the delegate in c# when the notification is received?
Yes, you should use a delegate, and yes, it will work fine.
However, you must make sure that the GC does not collect your delegate instance. (typically by putting it in a field)