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Change coins in Python with recursive / Why no work?

this my code. The task of changing coins. I need to get a list of lists, with exchange options.

a = []
def coinChange(coins, amount, result=None):
    if result is None: 
        result = []
    if amount < 1 and sum(result) == 3:
        return a.append(result)

        for i in coins:
            if amount - i >= 0:
                coinChange(coins, amount - i, result)            

coinChange([1,2,3], 3)

They return


But I need to get a list of lists. Each sublist should contain only those numbers that add up to 3.

For Example:

[[1,1,1], [2,1], [3]]

How do i get such a list? thank


  • Simple solution


    def coinChange(coins, amount, result=None, solutions = None):
            result - stores current set of coins being tries
            soltions - solutions found so far
        if result is None: 
            result = []
        if solutions is None:
            solutions = []
        if amount == 0:
            # Add solution
            solutions.append(result[:])  # append a copy since result will change
        elif amount > 0:
            for i in coins:
                if amount - i >= 0:
                    # Adding i to list of coins to try
                    coinChange(coins, amount - i, result + [i,], solutions)
        return solutions


    a = coinChange([1,2,3], 3)
    # Capture the solution in a (i.e. don't make it global--generally bad practice)         
    a = coinChange([1,2,3], 3)


    [[1, 1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], [3]]

    Even Simpler Using Generators

    def coinChange(coins, amount, result=None):
            result - stores current set of coins being tries
            soltions - solutions found so far
        if result is None: 
            result = []
        if amount == 0:
            # report solution
            yield result
        if amount > 0:
            for i in coins:
                yield from coinChange(coins, amount - i, result + [i,])    
    a = list(coinChange([1,2,3], 3))

    Using Cache

    Easiest to illustrate use of cache by modifying GalSuchetzky answer.


    • Can't directly use cache on coinChange function since arguments are not hashable (e.g. coins is a list, so not hashable)
    • We get back this by using a nested function (helper) whose arguments are hashable that indexes into coins as necessary


    def coinChange(coins, sum_):
                coins - list of coins
                sum_  - value coin should sum to (use sum_ since sum is a builtin function)
        def coinChangeHelper(j, total):
                Uses cache to compute solutions
                Need helper function since coins is a list so can't be hashed to placed in cache
                    j     - current index into coins
                    total - current sum
            if (j, total) in mem_cache:
                # Use cache value
                return mem_cache[(j, total)]
            # Stop condition.
            if total == 0:
                mem_cache[(j, total)] = [[]]
                # Recursive step
                solutions = []
                for i in range(j, len(coins)):
                    if coins[i] <= total:
                        lst = coinChangeHelper(i, total - coins[i])
                        solutions.extend([[coins[i]] + l for l in lst])
                mem_cache[(j, total)] = solutions
            return mem_cache[(j, total)]
        # Init cache
        mem_cache = {}
        return coinChangeHelper(0, sum_)
    print(coinChange([1, 2, 3], 3))