I have a task to insert entity through r2dbc database client, and convert the result (map) into the entity. I want to do it this way:
But the problem is converter entity MappingR2dbcConverter isn't created by spring. So, I decided to create it myself:
public MappingR2dbcConverter converter(RelationalMappingContext mappingContext,
R2dbcCustomConversions r2dbcCustomConversions)....
My question, is it correct way to convert result map into entity?
R2dbc DatabaseClient will be part of Spring framework 5.3, see My example for Spring 5.3 M2.
public static final BiFunction<Row, RowMetadata, Post> MAPPING_FUNCTION = (row, rowMetaData) -> Post.builder()
.id(row.get("id", UUID.class))
.title(row.get("title", String.class))
.content(row.get("content", String.class))
.status(row.get("status", Post.Status.class))
.metadata(row.get("metadata", Json.class))
.createdAt(row.get("created_at", LocalDateTime.class))
public Flux<Post> findAll() {
return this.databaseClient
.sql("SELECT * FROM posts")
.filter((statement, executeFunction) -> statement.fetchSize(10).execute())
public Mono<Post> findById(UUID id) {
return this.databaseClient
.sql("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id=:id")
.bind("id", id)