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Wrap Sentences in Tabular Environment

I'm using the tabular environment in Latex (Overleaf) and would like my text to wrap automatically and be justified. The closest I can get to this is to use the \\ syntax. This is laborious; further, I would like to have justified text, like the rest of my document. I am using a snippet that I found here, but it does not incorporate automatic wrapping and justified text. My minimum working example follows:



\noindent\textbf{Analysis of Editing}\\
    \noindent{Substantive}: 0, -2.\\
    Further: the, mighty.\\
    \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\ }l}
    Value Added: & Yes, I want the benefit of using the tabular environment.\\ 
    & No, because I would like this text to wrap automatically (instead of extending out continuously) and to be justified. 

Which produces the following:

Analysis of Editing

Substantive: 0, -2.

Further: the, mighty.

Value Added: Yes, I want the benefit of using the tabular environment.

No, because I would like this text to wrap automatically (instead of extending out continuously) and to be justified.


  • You could either use a column of fixed width, e.g. p{5cm} or a tabularx that will automatically adjust the width of the X columns to fill the desired with.

    Unrelated note: please do not abuse \\ for line breaks outside of tables

    \noindent\textbf{Analysis of Editing}
        \noindent{Substantive}: 0, -2.
        Further: the, mighty.
        \begin{tabularx}{.953\linewidth}{@{}l@{\ }X}
        Value Added: & Yes, I want the benefit of using the tabular environment.\\ 
        & No, because I would like this text to wrap automatically (instead of extending out continuously) and to be justified. 

    enter image description here