I have the following splitlist
(it is just an excerpt):
[['99', '1'],
['98s', '0.09434'],
['88', '1'],
['87s', '0.1014'],
['77', '1'],
['76s', '0.3212'],
['66', '1'],
['65s', '0.3335'],
['55', '0.6182'],
['54s', '0.3451'],
['44', '0.5147'],
['33', '0.4251'],
['22', '0.3753']]
I want to have the same list but to convert every 2nd string element to number.
So I wrote this loop:
convertedsplitlist = []
for x in splitlist:
hand, freq = x
convertedsplitlist.append([hand, float(freq)])
And it works.
I just can't wrap my head around how to do it with nested list comprehension.
This wil probably do the trick (untested):
convertedsplitlist = [[a,float(b)] for a,b in splitlist]