In Spring Boot's documentation it is clearly stated that auto-configurations must be specified via the spring.factories
Auto-configurations must be loaded that way only. Make sure that they are defined in a specific package space and that they are never the target of component scanning.
I did try to put a @Component
on my auto-configuration class and made sure it will be picked up by component scanning. It seems to work.
While I do think it's bad practice, since it is very unlikely that component scanning will actually pick it up in a real world scenario, I am wondering why the documentation feel so strongly about it. Are there any other dangers that I fail to anticipate, and if so, which?
In Stéphane and Brian explain that there are two phases, one called "UserConfiguration Phase" and another "AutoConfiguration Phase". Following that thought would suggest, that using @ComponentScan
on an auto-configuration class would move it to the "User Configuration Phase" which would basically break semantics of auto-configuration.
However, I've not been able to break it in my experiments. As long as I keep my @Conditional
annotation it seems to work as expected...
It seems to work.
As you might suspect, there is a good reason for that note to be present in the documentation. The whole point of auto-configuration is that they are processed once the user configuration has been parsed for the simple reason that order is important.
If you have an application with configuration classes producing a bunch of beans, and you want to make sure a certain bean in an auto-configuration is not created if the user has expressed an opinion, you need to make damn sure that this auto-configuration is processed after the user configuration. The video that you've shared is describing that in more details, I would suggest to watch the complete section.
Are there any other dangers that I fail to anticipate, and if so, which?
Hopefully the explanation above and your own edit tell you. Auto-configurations are not user configurations. Declaring them in component scan is textbook of user configuration.