I'm currently writing a small Python program to analyze the audio features of saved songs with the Spotify Web API. Unfortunately, querying the audio features for each song takes a long time. Approx. 3-4 songs are analyzed per second. With 2500 stored songs the function takes a long time. As a beginner, I haven't found a way to speed up the function. Here is the source code of the function:
def avg_features(token, tracklist):
track_counter: int = 0
danceability = 0
energy = 0
loudness = 0
speechiness = 0
acousticness = 0
instrumentalness = 0
liveness = 0
valence = 0
tempo = 0
for track in tracklist:
query = f"https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-features/{track}"
response=requests.get(query, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"})
danceability += response['danceability']
energy += response['energy']
loudness += response['loudness']
speechiness += response['speechiness']
acousticness += response['acousticness']
instrumentalness += response['instrumentalness']
liveness += response['liveness']
valence += response['valence']
tempo += response['tempo']
track_counter += 1
danceability /= track_counter
energy /= track_counter
loudness /= track_counter
speechiness /= track_counter
acousticness /= track_counter
instrumentalness /= track_counter
liveness /= track_counter
valence /= track_counter
tempo /= track_counter
feature_list: Dict[str, int] = {'danceability': danceability, 'energy': energy, 'loudness': loudness, 'speechiness': speechiness, 'acousticness': acousticness', 'instrumentalness': instrumentalness, 'liveness': liveness, 'valence': valence, 'tempo': tempo}
return feature_list
Does anyone have an idea how I can speed up the function or whether the query of audio features always takes a long time?
I would appreciate an answer very much. Thanks in advance. Eric
The time it takes can be justified meaningfully.
Firstly, the use of a WEB API
not suitable for making an abundant of calls, as in your case you make around 2500 calls to the API. Also, note that each API
call has a variable latency time, so there is no fixed time on when the result would be returned. It is also possible for latency to degrade over time. Factors such as this attribute to the time it takes. According to my calculation, it should be taking you around 11
minutes for all the tracks meta-data to be completed.
The solution is to use the spotipy Library. This is simply a wrapper for the WEB API
. The benefit of this is that it has all the in-built functions to handle your query.
Method to use audio_features(tracks=[])
See from the docs here