I know I can reserve virtual memory using VirtualAlloc.
e.g. I can claim 1GB of virtual memory and then call in the first MB of that to put my a growing array into.
When the array grows beyond 1MB I call in the 2nd MB and so on.
This way I don't need to move the array around in memory when it grows, it just stays in place and the Intel/AMD virtual memory manager takes care of my problems.
However does FastMM support this structure, so I don't have to do my own memory management?
Pseudo code:
PBigarray = ^TBigarray;
TBigArray = array[0..0] of SomeRecord;
VirtualMem:= FastMM.ReserveVirtualMemory(1GB);
PBigArray:= FastMM.ClaimPhysicalMemory(VirtualMem, 1MB);
procedure GrowBigArray
FastMM.ClaimMorePhysicalMemory(PBigArray, 1MB {extra});
//will generate OOM exception when claim exceeds 1GB
Does FastMM support this?
No, FastMM4 (as of the latest version I looked at) does not explicitly support this. It's really not a functionality you would expect in a general purpose memory manager as it's trivially simple to do with VirtualAlloc calls.
NexusMM4 (which is part of NexusDB) does something that gives you a similar result, but without wasting all the address space before it is needed in the background.
If you make an initial large allocation (directly via GetMem, or indirectly via a dynamic array or such) the memory is allocated in just the size needed, via VirtualAlloc.
But if that allocation is then resized to a larger size, NexusMM will use a different way to allocate memory which allows it to simply unmap the allocation from the address space an remap it again, at a larger size, when further reallocs takes place.
This prevents the 2 major problems that most general purpose memory managers have when reallocating:
So with NexusMM you would get all the advantages of what you showed in your pseudo code (with the exception that the first realloc will involve a copy, and that growing your array might change it's address) by simply using normal GetMem/ReallocMem/FreeMem calls.