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How to Set WMIC in for loop Flashdrive get model, file system and size in gigabyte?

Below mentioned batch file displays Flashdrive model, filesystem and size of PC

@echo off
for /f "usebackq skip=1" %%X in (`
    wmic logicaldisk where "drivetype='2'" 2^>nul get caption
  `) do call :driveusb %%X

if "%~1"=="" goto :eof
set "freeB=" & set "sizeB="
set "filesys="
set "flashmodel="

for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1,2" %%x in (`
    wmic logicaldisk where "name='%1'" get filesystem
  `) do if not defined filesys set filesys=%%x

for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%a in (`
    wmic diskdrive where "mediatype='removable media'" get model
  `) do if not defined flashmodel set flashmodel=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f

for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1,2" %%X in (`
    wmic logicaldisk where "name='%1'" get freespace^,size
  `) do if not defined freeB (set "freeB=%%X" & set "sizeB=%%Y")

set/a freeMB = %freeB:~0,-6% & set/a sizeMB = %sizeB:~0,-6%
set/a freePCT = (100 * freeMB + sizeMB / 2) / sizeMB
call :mb2gib freeMB freeGiB & call :mb2gib sizeMB sizeGiB
echo %1 %flashmodel%[%filesys%] free %freeGiB% GB of %sizeGiB% GB = %freePCT%%%
exit /b

@rem double 1000/1024 mb->mib correction
set/a %2 = (125 * ((125 * %1 + 64) / 128) + 64) / 128
@rem 1/1024 mib->gib conversion
set/a %2 = (%2 + 512) / 1024
Exit /b

The problem is that I can't figure out how to loop Flashdrive model if more than 1 Flashdrive is installed in PC, is there any missing config ?

for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%a in (`
    wmic diskdrive where "mediatype='removable media'" get model
  `) do if not defined flashmodel set flashmodel=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f

Here is the Current output:

F: Kingston DT 101 G2 USB Device[FAT32] free 2 GB of 29 GB = 6%
G: Kingston DT 101 G2 USB Device[NTFS] free 4 GB of 4 GB = 99%

What i am expecting the output to be:

F: SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 USB Device [FAT32] free 2 GB of 29 GB = 6%
G: Kingston DT 101 G2 USB Device[NTFS] free 4 GB of 4 GB = 99%


  • Not sure what you mean by "make variable for this command" so assuming you want to establish separate variables in the case of multiple drives,

    @echo OFF
    for %%X in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do set "flashdrive%%X="
    for /f "usebackq skip=1" %%X in (`
        wmic logicaldisk where "drivetype='2'" 2^>nul get caption
      `) do call :driveusb %%X
    set flashdrive
    goto :eof
    :: -----------------------------------------
    set "drive=%~1"
    if not defined drive goto :eof
    set "freeB=" & set "sizeB="
    set "filesys="
    set "flashmodel="
    for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1,2" %%x in (`
        wmic logicaldisk where "name='%1'" get filesystem
      `) do if not defined filesys set filesys=%%x
    for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%a in (`
        wmic diskdrive where "mediatype='removable media'" get model
      `) do if not defined flashmodel set flashmodel=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f
    for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1,2" %%X in (`
        wmic logicaldisk where "name='%1'" get freespace^,size
      `) do if not defined freeB (set "freeB=%%X" & set "sizeB=%%Y")
    set/a freeMB = %freeB:~0,-6% & set/a sizeMB = %sizeB:~0,-6%
    set/a freePCT = (100 * freeMB + sizeMB / 2) / sizeMB
    call :mb2gib freeMB freeGiB & call :mb2gib sizeMB sizeGiB
    echo %1 %flashmodel%[%filesys%] free %freeGiB% GB of %sizeGiB% GB = %freePCT%%%
    set "flashdrive%drive:~0,1%=%1 %flashmodel%[%filesys%] free %freeGiB% GB of %sizeGiB% GB = %freePCT%%%"
    exit /b
    :: double 1000/1024 mb->mib correction
    set/a %2 = (125 * ((125 * %1 + 64) / 128) + 64) / 128
    :: 1/1024 mib->gib conversion
    set/a %2 = (%2 + 512) / 1024
    Exit /b

    which sets flashdriveX for each drive X found.

    Notes :

    added setlocal to avoid contaminating environment
    replaced pause by goto :eof to avoid re-invoking :driveusb by flow-through
    added loop to clear flashdrive variables
    converted @rem and comment lines to ::-comments
    modified method of detection for :driveusb missing-parameter

    Results displayed on my system:

    E: USB DISK 2.0 USB Device [FAT32] free 14 GB of 14 GB = 100%
    F: USB DISK 2.0 USB Device [FAT32] free 7 GB of 7 GB = 93%
    V: USB DISK 2.0 USB Device [FAT32] free 17 GB of 58 GB = 29%
    flashdriveE=E: USB DISK 2.0 USB Device [FAT32] free 14 GB of 14 GB = 100%
    flashdriveF=F: USB DISK 2.0 USB Device [FAT32] free 7 GB of 7 GB = 93%
    flashdriveV=V: USB DISK 2.0 USB Device [FAT32] free 17 GB of 58 GB = 29%

    The first 3 lines are the report from the "Echo" line within the code. The last 3 are from the set flashdrive command, which lists all environment variables that start flashdrive.