Alright, this is probably a stupid question, but....
I've got a file of source code in a proprietary language. I want to edit said file with VIM, instead of their crummy editor. I'd like basic syntax highlighting of the language, but I don't want to spend a bunch of time rolling my own syntax file.
Therefore, does VIM have a basic source highlighting module? It doesn't need to be perfect, I just want it to cover simple things. Currently, my only choices are no syntax highlighting, pick a random language, or roll my own.
EDIT: Source code sample below
function letter do
gposition 0, 0
if gender = "M" do
if language = "SPA" OR state = "PR" do
%male spanish letter
gposition .26, .75
pdfimage "MALE SPANISH.pdf", 1, .93
setcolor truewhite
setfillmode 1
gposition 5.25, 1.25
rectangle 2.5, .5
Could this be the correct language?