I work with the Unity3D game engine and I stumbled across this problem. When I try to check if the mouse is over a sprite, I can do so by using this callback.
private void OnMouseOver()
// Do Something
But if the mouse is not directly over the sprite, this method won't work. Are there any alternatives?
The Orange sprite is the sprite I want to detect, but the blue circle makes it to not detect the mouse (This doesn't look really good, I am not an artist, but I should make things clear I hope)
If you want to know what object(s) are underneath your mouse click, use this:
Example - put it in your update:
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
var hits = Physics2D.GetRayIntersectionAll(ray, 1500f);
foreach (var hit in hits)
print($"Mouse is over {hit.collider.name}");
For performance reasons, you may want to use: