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.Net Core Web API Post route endpoint not being hit

I have the following .Net Core API route defined.

public ActionResult<IEnumerable<ProductDTO>> AddProduct([FromBody] ProductDTO){}

I already have the following attributes defined on the class:


I am calling it like this: https://localhost:xxxxx/api/products/addproduct and I'm passing a payload to it that represents the productDTO. Why does this route not get hit?


  • The issue is with the routing attribute used on the HttpPost.

    As defined above, the AddProduct action method matches the following url:


    Even though you're using token replacement for the controller name,by using a leading slash you're overriding that route on the AddProduct method.

    To properly route to the method remove the leading slash like this:

        public ActionResult<IEnumerable<ProductDTO>> AddProduct([FromBody] ProductDTO productDto)

    For more information regarding attribute routing or controller routing in general read this page on Microsoft Docs