I'm a Powershell novice. I've written a .ps1 script to do a number of things, all of which execute perfectly, except when it comes to a "Copy-Item" command, which I'm using to copy contents of the (Windows 10) desktop to another folder.
It's failing at the hyphen in "Copy-Item". I have a feeling I'm either missing a "*" in one of the paths. or have one where it should not be. I've tried it with various combinations, but no joy.
For test purposes, I have 3 items on the desktop: 1) a folder shortcut, 2) a Powershell script shortcut, and 3) A GodMode 'folder'.
Thank you in advance for your help. Following is a subset of the code:
$env:path += ";D:\PowershellScriptsFolder" # this is the location of my ps1
# (a bunch of code here, all of which runs fine) #
# Desktop
# Define Variables
$DestinationPath = "D:\folder1\subfolder\*"
$SourcePathRoot = 'C:\Users\Sfrn\Desktop\' # this is the location of my Win 10 desktop
Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $DestinationPath -Force
(*** Here's where it fails: ***)
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path $SourcePathRoot -Destination $DestinationPath -Force # this is line 32
(*** Here's the error output - character 5 is the hyphen in "Copy-Item": ***)
Copy-Item : Illegal characters in path. At D:\Dropbox\DB_AppData\PowerShell_and_Bat\CopyToBackup_2.ps1:32 char:5
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path $SourcePathRoot -Destination $Destinatio ...
Copy-Item : Illegal characters in path. At D:\Dropbox\DB_AppData\PowerShell_and_Bat\CopyToBackup_2.ps1:32 char:5
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path $SourcePathRoot -Destination $Destinatio ...
Copy-Item : Illegal characters in path. At D:\Dropbox\DB_AppData\PowerShell_and_Bat\CopyToBackup_2.ps1:32 char:5
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path $SourcePathRoot -Destination $Destinatio ...
Copy-Item : Illegal characters in path. At D:\Dropbox\DB_AppData\PowerShell_and_Bat\CopyToBackup_2.ps1:32 char:5
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path $SourcePathRoot -Destination $Destinatio ...
Copy-Item : Illegal characters in path. At D:\Dropbox\DB_AppData\PowerShell_and_Bat\CopyToBackup_2.ps1:32 char:5
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path $SourcePathRoot -Destination $Destinatio ...
(*** End of error output: ***)
You have an asterisk in the wrong spot. It needs to be in the source directory path, not the destination, like this:
$SourcePathRoot = "C:\Users\Sfrn\Desktop\*"
$DestinationPath = "D:\folder1\subfolder\"