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consul health check using script is not validating

on my consul server and other nodes, I added 3 checks for CPU Utilization, memory utilization and hdd utilization. I don't know why they failing during validation. what am I doing wrong.

  "retry_join": [
  "data_dir": "/tmp/consul",
  "client_addr": "",
  "checks": [
      "id": "check_cpu_utilization",
      "name": "CPU Utilization",
      "script": "/vagrant/provision/hc/",
      "interval": "10s"
      "id": "check_mem_utilization",
      "name": "MEM Utilization",
      "script": "/vagrant/provision/hc/",
      "interval": "10s"
      "id": "check_hdd_utilization",
      "name": "HDD Utilization",
      "script": "/vagrant/provision/hc/",
      "interval": "10s"

and if I validate the consul config file.

consul validate common.json                             
Config validation failed: Error parsing common.json: 3 errors occurred:
    * invalid config key checks[0].script
    * invalid config key checks[1].script
    * invalid config key checks[2].script

my consul version is 1.8.3


  • The correct way to define script checks is using the args parameter in the check definition.

        "id": "check_cpu_utilization",
        "name": "CPU Utilization",
        "args": ["/vagrant/provision/hc/"],
        "interval": "10s"

    The examples on the Check Definitions page also show the use of the args field.