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"BorrowMutError" using the Interior Mutability Pattern

I am trying to use the Interior Mutability Pattern to share mutable reference.

However, when I try to use the reference from the structs it is shared with, the program panics with the error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'

Here is the code:

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;

fn main() {
    let game = Game::init();

struct Game {
    ecs: Rc<RefCell<Ecs>>,

impl Game {
    pub fn init() -> Game {
        let ecs = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Ecs::new()));
            Box::new(Renderer {
                ecs: Rc::clone(&ecs),
        Game {
            ecs: Rc::clone(&ecs),

    pub fn start(&self) {

struct Ecs {
    systems: Vec<Box<dyn System>>,

impl Ecs {
    fn new() -> Ecs {
        Ecs {
            systems: vec![],

    fn register_systems(&mut self, systems: Vec<Box<dyn System>>) { = systems;

    fn update(&self) {
        for system in {

    fn test(&self) {

trait System {
    fn update(&self);

struct Renderer {
    ecs: Rc<RefCell<Ecs>>,

impl System for Renderer {
    fn update(&self) {

The issue seems to be at the line:


What's the problem here? Is it related to the trait? Or do I need to call the function test in anoher way?


  • Indeed, the ecs member in Renderer is a clone of the ecs member in Game, i.e. they both own the same Ecs.

    When you borrow_mut() the ecs member in Game then iterate on the elements, you reach the Renderer which borrow_mut()s the same Ecs. This is detected at runtime and then panics, which the intended behaviour of RefCell.

    If you just change borrow_mut() to borrow() in both cases, this does not panic any more since multiple immutable borrows are allowed.

    I don't know exactly the purpose of this code but I'm not certain that borrowing the Ecs as whole from Renderer is a good idea. I would presume that the interior-mutability should apply to each stored component individually rather than to the whole Ecs.