I have just started reading a book "Type-driven development" and tried my simple example with dependent types. It should return a string for negative numbers and Integer for the positive ones. I started with 2 holes:
StringOrInt : Bool -> Type
StringOrInt b =
case b of
True => Integer
False => String
getStringOrInt : (x : Integer) -> StringOrInt (x > 0)
getStringOrInt x =
case x > 0 of
True => ?x
False => ?s
If I take a look at holes definition it looks very complicated and not helpful at all:
x : case with block in Prelude.Interfaces.Prelude.Interfaces.Integer implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Ord, method > (ifThenElse (intToBool (prim__eqBigInt x 0))
(Delay EQ)
(Delay (ifThenElse (intToBool (prim__sltBigInt x
(Delay LT)
(Delay GT))))
0 of
True => Integer
False => String
So how to write this function?
Use with
rather than case
to leverage dependent pattern matching and have the type checker substitute the appropriate Boolean for x > 0
in the result type for each alternative:
StringOrInt : Bool -> Type
StringOrInt True = Integer
StringOrInt False = String
getStringOrInt : (x : Integer) -> StringOrInt (x > 0)
getStringOrInt x with (x > 0)
getStringOrInt x | True = x
getStringOrInt x | False = "<= 0"