I have a data frame such as the following with tens of thousands of rows and a thousand columns:
For an LSTM, I would like to
However, please note, not every column has the same amount of values. Some have already a lot, some have none yet. Also on which timestamp the values are generated is column specific. I did achieve the result with the following code. However, since the code is really slow (700 hours), I am looking for a possibility to execute the calculation logic faster. It takes so long, since I want to calculate this kind of result for each hourly timestamps from 2008 to 2020.
Is there any way to make the code significantly faster?
for j in dummydata.columns:
Can you try this to see if this is faster?
dummydata.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.dropna().values)).fillna(0)
Then you can select only the first 100 rows using dummydata.loc[0:100, :]