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structural type extending another structural type

Why the following is not allowed? (2.12):

type Foo <: {def foo(): Unit}
type Bar <: {def bar(): Unit} with Foo

Looks natural to me, Bar should have both foo() and bar().


  • type Foo <: {def foo(): Unit} is type Foo <: AnyRef{def foo(): Unit}.

    So while type Bar <: {def bar(): Unit} with Foo is not parsable, with AnyRef and different order it works

    type Foo <: {def foo(): Unit}
    type Bar <: Foo with AnyRef{def bar(): Unit}
    val b: Bar = ???

    Also with brackets (and direct order) it works

    type Foo <: {def foo(): Unit}
    type Bar <: ({def bar(): Unit}) with Foo 
    val b: Bar = ???

    Actually type Bar <: {def bar(): Unit} with Foo is against the spec while type Bar <: ({def bar(): Unit}) with Foo satisfies the spec because {def bar(): Unit} is not a SimpleType but ({def bar(): Unit}) is a SimpleType.

    CompoundType    ::=  AnnotType {‘with’ AnnotType} [Refinement]
                      |  Refinement
    AnnotType       ::=  SimpleType {Annotation}
    SimpleType      ::= ............
                      |  ‘(’ Types ‘)’
    Types           ::=  Type {‘,’ Type}
    Type            ::=  ...........
                      |  CompoundType
                      |  ...........