I have been through a bit of a reorganisation of my WebApps which lead to some renaming and creation/deletion cycles. During this I created one WebApp which I subsequently deleted.
However, this WebApp still shows up in my list in VS Code and still shows up in the CLI when I run 'az webapp list'. However It does not show up in my list of resources on the Portal, and I cannot delete it from either VS Code or the CLI. The error I get is:
{"error":{"code":"ResourceNotFound","message":"The Resource 'Microsoft.Web/sites/xxxx' under resource group 'rgr_xxx' was not found. For more details please go to https://aka.ms/ARMResourceNotFoundFix"}}
Any ideas how to delete this for good would be gratefully received!
So after waiting a week or so the phantom app turned up in my Azure Portal again. I was able to delete it as you would normally, and confirmed it's gone as I can now reuse the app name.
So the solution is... just wait it out and I guess it gets picked up in a periodic clean-up process?