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Image header for post doesn't display in blogdown post

I am using the blogdown and the wowchemy-hugo theme to create a website in R. I've created a post, however the image that I've inserted in my YAML isn't apprearing in the header for some odd reason. I have saved the image in my folder under static\image\headers\gdp.jpg, am I missing something?

title: "This is my title"
author: "This is my name"
date: 2020-09-10T21:13:14-05:00
tags: ["Tag1", "Tag2", "Tag3"]
  caption: 'Image Credit: [**AvaTrade**]('
  image: 'headers/gdp.jpg'
  focal_point: ""
  preview_only: false
output: html_document



  • Figured out what the issue is. The image needs to be saved in the media subfolder within static (instead of under image). See: