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Telegram: Sen photo into a message without showing the photo link with Telegraf (NodeJs)

I'm on a channel that sends messages that contains a text, with a link (that link has not an image) and an image (tip product from amazon):

enter image description here

I tried with this code and it's similar:

bot.telegram.sendMessage('mychannel', `Hello https:/path/to/image.jpg`)

And it works it similar, but it remains the link. SO how can i put that way with image preview but not the link?

Thank you


  • One workaround(trick) would be to insert the link but use an empty character unicode (like from

    Here is an example (I inserted the photo URL with an empty character) enter image description here

    some sample code to get you started:

    const Telegraf = require("telegraf");
    const bot = new Telegraf(" ... ");
    const CHAT_ID = ... ;
    function getHiddenLink(url, parse_mode = "markdown") {
      const emptyChar = "‎"; // copied and pasted the char from
      switch (parse_mode) {
        case "markdown":
          return `[${emptyChar}](${url})`;
        case "HTML":
          return `<a href="${url}">${emptyChar}</a>`;
          throw new Error("invalid parse_mode");
    // Option 1: sending with MARKDOWN syntax
    some test text in markdown
    ${getHiddenLink("", "markdown")}
        parse_mode: "markdown",
    // Another option: sending with HTML syntax
    some test text in HTML
    ${getHiddenLink("", "HTML")}
        parse_mode: "HTML",

    Here we just create a new function getHiddenLink() that accepts the URL and parse_mode (HTML or markdown) and just craft a new URL representation with the empty character as the link-text and return it.