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Replace values <0 and >50 in a column of a csv file using powershell

Extreme newbie here.

I have a csv file that shows stock availability in a column called QOH. I'm trying to write a powershell script to change all negative values in the QOH column to 0, and also change any value of 50 or greater to =50. eg: if QOH = -3 , replace with 0. If QOH = 39, then do nothing, and if QOH = 78 replace with 50.

Any code help would be great

For this example, we'll say the csv file is located C:\TEMP Column headers are : SKU,QOH,AVAIL,RRP,BC_id,Group,UPC

This is the attempt to get the <0 to = 0. (i haven't got anything for the >50 yet)

This doesnt work as everything in the QOH column now comes out at 0.

$Path = "C\TEMP\test.csv"
(Import-CSV -Path $Path) | select-object SKU,QOH,AVAIL,RRP,BC_id,Group,UPC | 
ForEach-Object {
    if ([float]$_.QOH -le 0) {
        $_.QOH = '0'
    } Else {
    $_.QOH = $_.QOH
} | Export-CSV -Path $Path -NoTypeInformation


  • Not sure if you've found an answer yet, so I'm throwing this out there anyways.

    One thing I would point out is you don't need to set 0 to 0 or set $.QOH to $.QOH. Basically, only those less than 0 or greater than 50 get changed - the rest is untouched.

    $text = @'
    $Text | convertfrom-csv | foreach {
        if([float]$_.QOH -lt 0){$_.QOH = 0}
        elseif([float]$_.QOH -gt 50){$_.QOH = 50}

    I just put some sample data to make it clear. Here is the output

    QOH prop1  prop2 
    --- -----  ----- 
      0 data1  data2 
      0 data3  data4 
      0 data5  data6 
     28 data7  data8 
     50 data9  data10
     50 data11 data12