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While Loop with Multiple String Conditions Cannot Leave Loop

I am new to Python and I am doing some projects to try and learn it. I am trying to make a Rock Paper Scissors game to learn conditions and loops. I have a function in my game called "validator" that has a while loop with 4 string conditions however when I try to reassign that variable to break the loop it still gives me my error message that I built in saying "Please enter a valid response".

How do I get the while loop to end and return the variable ans?

Thank you for your help,


# Rock Paper Scissors Game
import random

# Makes the Player Choose a Valid Answer Function
def validator():
    ans = input()
    while ans != "Rock" or "Paper" or "Scissors" or "QUIT":
        ans = input("Please enter a valid response: ")
        return ans

# Comp Choosers Function

def compcho():
    v = random.randrange(1, 3)
    if v == 1:
        return "Rock"
    if v == 2:
        return "Paper"
    if v == 3:
        return "Scissors"

# Win decider
def decider(man, pc):
    if man == pc:
        return "It's a tie! " + man + " to " + pc + "!"
    elif man != pc:
        if man == "Rock" and pc == "Scissors":
            return "The player's choice of " + man + " beats the PC's choice of " + pc + "! Player Victory!"
        if man == "Rock" and pc == "Paper":
            return "The player's choice of " + man + " loses to the PC's choice of " + pc + ". Player Defeat."
        if man == "Scissors" and pc == "Rock":
            return "The player's choice of " + man + " loses to the PC's choice of " + pc + ". Player Defeat."
        if man == "Scissors" and pc == "Paper":
            return "The player's choice of " + man + " beats the PC's choice of " + pc + "! Player Victory!"
        if man == "Paper" and pc == "Rock":
            return "The player's choice of " + man + " beats the PC's choice of " + pc + "! Player Victory!"
        if man == "Paper" and pc == "Scissors":
            return "The player's choice of " + man + " loses to the PC's choice of " + pc + ". Player Defeat."
        if man == "Quit":
            print("Hmm I wasn't expecting " + man + ".")

# Program Start

print("Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissors Game!")
choice = "ham"
while choice != "Quit":

    # Chooser
    print("Please Enter Rock Paper Scissors or Quit")

    valans = validator()

    pcpick = compcho()

    print(decider(valans, pcpick))


  • You can write your condition like this (repeat the variable name and check your logical operators) :

    while ans != "Rock" and ans != "Paper" and ans != "Scissors" and ans != "QUIT":

    or use 'in' :

    while ans not in ["Rock","Paper","Scissors","QUIT"] :