I got a really simple XML file that I want to convert to a table.
XML structure:
<ID>ID-20</ID> (ONLY 1 ID per file, this will be the first column)
The second column would be ProductID, the 3rd Quantity, the 4th Price.
I could make each ProductID appear in separate rows with the first column but I can't make the respective Quantity and Price show next to the ProductID.
My code so far:
SELECT T.C.value('../../../ID[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') AS ID,
C.value('.', 'nvarchar(20)') AS ProductID,
C2.value('(text())[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') AS Quantity--,COMMENTED PRICE OUT FOR NOW
--C2.value('(../Price/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') AS Price
FROM @Xml.nodes('/ROOT/ProductList/ProductID') AS T(C)
cross apply C.nodes('../Quantity') AS T2(C2)
The Cross Apply part causes every Quantity to appear next to every ProductID. I can't figure out the correct way to align these columns.
I found some similar questions here but I just couldn't figure this out for my case as the XML structure is a bit different.
Could someone please help me with this? I'd appreciate it very much :)
Problem SOLVED! Many thanks to all who contributed!
I completely agree with @marc_s, the XML structure is very fragile.
In any case, here is a solution for the current scenario.
@Shnugo recently came up with this approach here: How to extract value form XML?
All credit goes to him.
WITH tally(Nmbr) AS
SELECT TOP(@xml.value('count(/ROOT/ProductList/ProductID)','INT'))
FROM master..spt_values
SELECT tally.Nmbr
,@xml.value('(/ROOT/ID/text())[1]','NVARCHAR(20)') AS ID
,@xml.value('(/ROOT/ProductList/ProductID[sql:column("tally.Nmbr")]/text())[1]','NVARCHAR(200)') AS ProductID
,@xml.value('(/ROOT/ProductList/Quantity[sql:column("tally.Nmbr")]/text())[1]','INT') AS Quantity
,@xml.value('(/ROOT/ProductList/Price[sql:column("tally.Nmbr")]/text())[1]','INT') AS Price
FROM tally;
| Nmbr | ID | ProductID | Quantity | Price |
| 1 | ID-20 | A-1235 | 100 | 300 |
| 2 | ID-20 | A-12356 | 110 | 310 |
| 3 | ID-20 | A-123567 | 120 | 320 |