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Parsing Request, PHP/Laravel

This API is used by an access control device to report personnel pass-through records, After me (A third-party platform) called the API to a face recognition terminal or face recognition access control terminal.

Calling direction:

A face recognition terminal or face recognition access control terminal calls the API to a third-party platform.

Request description:

Request method: POST Request URL: /LAPI/V1.0/System/Event/Notification/PersonVerification Content-Type: text/plain

Request example:

    "Reference": "",
"Seq": 5, 
"DeviceCode": "210235C3R13202000093",
    "Timestamp": 1564735558, 
    "NotificationType": 1, 
    "FaceInfoNum": 1, 
    "FaceInfoList": [
            "ID": 5, 
            "Timestamp": 1564707615, 
            "CapSrc": 1, 
            "FeatureNum": 0, 
            "FeatureList": [
                    "FeatureVersion": "", 
                    "Feature": ""
                    "FeatureVersion": "", 
                    "Feature": ""
            “Temperature”: 36.5,
            “MaskFlag”: 1,
            "PanoImage": {
                "Name": "1564707615_1_86.jpg", 
                "Size": 101780, 
                "Data": "…"
            "FaceImage": {
                "Name": "1564707615_2_86.jpg", 
                "Size": 35528, 
                "Data": "…"
            "FaceArea": {
                "LeftTopX": 4981, 
                "LeftTopY": 3744, 
                "RightBottomX": 8250, 
                "RightBottomY": 5583
    "CardInfoNum": 0, 
    "CardInfoList": [ ], 
    "GateInfoNum": 0, 
    "GateInfoList": [ ], 
    "LibMatInfoNum": 1, 
    "LibMatInfoList": [
            "ID": 5, 
            "LibID": 3, 
            "LibType": 4, 
            "MatchStatus": 2, 
            "MatchPersonID": 0, 
            "MatchFaceID": 0, 
            "MatchPersonInfo": {
                "PersonName": "", 
                "Gender": 0, 
                "CardID": "", 
                "IdentityNo": ""

I am using Laravel, I got [] when tried $request->all(), below when I dump( $request->getContent() ); dump

Seems like I need to remove "" from beginning and end of request in order to json_decode(), but no matter what string function I used - preg_replace, substring, etc - nothing changed, when I tried $content[0] I got { and NOT ", $content[-1] I got \n, $content[-2] I got }

Can anybody point out where I erred ?


  • Looks like this is the Content-Type header problem. But it should be a proper solution:

      $find = ['/"""/', '/\\\n/', '/“/', '/”/'];
      $replace = ['', '', '"', '"'];
      $output = preg_replace($find, $replace, $your_input);
      // now the $output is ready to be decoded
      $decoded = json_decode($output);
      $v = var_dump($decoded); 

    See this Repl for real implementation: Json Parse