Many thanks in advance for helping a python newbie like me !
I have a DataFrame containing daily or hourly prices for a particular crypto.
I was just wondering if there is an easy way to check if there is any missing day or hour (depending on the chosen granularity) that would break a perfectly constant timedelta (between 2 dates) in the index?
Here an example of an other "due diligence" check I am doing. I am just making sure that the temporal order is respected:
# Check timestamp order:
i = 0
for i in range(0,len(df.TS)-1):
if df.TS[i] > df.TS[i+1]:
print('Timestamp does not respect time direction, please check df.')
i += 1
Perhaps there is surely a better way to do this but I didn't find any build in function for both of these checks I would like to do.
Many thanks again and best regards,
If df.TS
is where you store your datetime data, then you can do this (example for daily data, change freq
pd.date_range(start = df.TS.min(), end = df.TS.max(), freq = 'D').difference(df.TS)
This will return the difference between a complete range and your datetime series.