For no justifiable reason at all, I have a pretty substantial Perl script embedded within a Bash function that is being invoked within an autoenv .env
It looks something like this:
$inverse = "\e[7m";
$invoff = "\e[27m";
$bold = "\e[1m";
perl -e "$perl" "$inputfile"
I understand that standalone Perl scripts and the PATH
variable are a thing, and I understand that Term::ANSIColor is a thing. This is not about that.
My question is, if there's a syntax error in the embedded Perl code, how can I get Perl to report the actual line number within the parent shell script?
For example, say the perl=
assignment occurs on line 120 within that file, but there's a syntax error on the 65th line of actual Perl code. I get this:
syntax error at -e line 65, near "s/(#.*)$/$comment\1$endcomment/"
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
…but I want to see this (the actual line number in the parent script) instead:
syntax error at -e line 185, near "s/(#.*)$/$comment\1$endcomment/"
with use English
in Awk, and this clearly isn't what this is forAs described in perlsyn, you can use the following directive to set the line number and (optionally) the file name of the subsequent line:
#line 42 ""
This means that you could use
perl="#line 4 \"$0\""'
perl -e "$perl"
$ ./
test at ./ line 4.
There's no clean way to avoid hardcoding the line number when using sh
, but it is possible.
script_start=$( perl -ne'if (/^perl=/) { print $.+1; last }' -- "$0" )
perl="#line $script_start \"$0\""'
perl -e "$perl"
On the other hand, bash
provides the current line number.
script_start=$(( LINENO + 2 ))
perl="#line $script_start \"$0\""'
perl -e "$perl"