Let's assume a KMP Project which is set to have a Sample iOS app in which a KMP module's output framework is added as a dependency.
I am having a function sampleFuncForStringArrayList(names: ArrayList<String>)
in KMP module which prints count and iterates and print ArrayList items.
When I call this function from the iOS sample app, I am getting index out of bound exception
because NSMutableArray count
which is 2 in iOS app environment, has count
as 24576 when received as ArrayList in KMP module.
This issue happens only with releaseFramework. debugFramework works fine.
let namesStringList = NSMutableArray(array: ["Alice", "Bob"])
print("NSMutableArray COUNT : \(namesStringList.count)")
Main().sampleFuncForStringArrayList(names: namesStringList)
public class Main {
public fun sampleFuncForStringArrayList(names: ArrayList<String>){
println("names.isNullOrEmpty() ${names.isNullOrEmpty()}")
println("names.count ${names.count()}")
names.forEach {
println("Hello $it")
Expected Output
NSMutableArray COUNT : 2
names.isNullOrEmpty() false
names.count 2
Hello Alice
Hello Bob
Actual Output:
NSMutableArray COUNT : 2
names.isNullOrEmpty() false
names.count 24576
Sample Project ZIP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SgmW4hfeWaEeD3vcidnZ81Q9vMJsU9zJ/view?usp=sharing
I've tried with my KMM setup (using cocoapods) and even with a release build I got the right expected behaviour but I've used the right kotlin/swift interop mapping type MutableList
fun sampleFuncForStringMutableList(names: MutableList<String>) {
println("names.isNullOrEmpty() ${names.isNullOrEmpty()}")
println("names.count ${names.count()}")
names.forEach {
println("Hello $it")
With ArrayList
I see an empty array and then a crash (different from debug build where I see your expected behaviour too).
let namesStringList = NSMutableArray(array: ["Alice", "Bob"])
print("NSMutableArray COUNT : \(namesStringList.count)")
Main().sampleFuncForStringArrayList(names: namesStringList)
Main().sampleFuncForStringMutableList(names: namesStringList)
NSMutableArray COUNT : 2
names.isNullOrEmpty() true
names.count 0
names.isNullOrEmpty() false
names.count 2
Hello Alice
Hello Bob
So I suggest you to use the right mapping type and not another one.