I am a beginner in vuejs and vuetify and I try to add and remove nodes in a treeview.
When I do a .push(item) the treeview updates but when I delete an item from my array, the treeview does not update.
Here is an example of my code
data: () => ({
formatedItems: [{
id: 0,
slug: null,
name: i18n.t(****),
children: []
id: element.id,
slug: element.slug,
name: element.name,
children: []
_.remove(this.formatedItems[0].children, function(n) {
return n.slug == element.slug;
this.formatedItems = this.formatedItems; // I tried this to trigger a potential magical update of vuejs but nothing...
I don't know what to try anymore, that's why I come to ask you the question:
being a build-in function and knowing that I use a lodash function for deletion, is there something I didn't understand about the use of vuejs that causes my treeview not to be updated?
Thank you for your attention
Looks like the problem somewhere else. I've tried a basic example and all works fine. Except I used filter method for deletion. codepen.io/DavidGolodetsky/pen/eYZMbgm