So I have a dataframe with 8-year energy values and types of the object on the first row. I need to plot all 3000 sources grouped by their types. 3000 Lines, X-axis is the 8 years, Y-axis is the energy.
It's yearly energy and the type of source
Sorry if anything is missing, it's my first question.
I've tried to just delete the types and plot without grouping by:
blazar_eneryg_with_type.plot(x ='Year', kind = 'line')
Ok having seen your raw data you must have done some processing before hand. Looks like you are calling df.plot()
. This is what I would do:
# read in your csv
df = pd.read_csv('your_csv')
# drop redundant column
df.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'], inplace=True)
#transpose and drop type column and create second df
df1 = df.T.drop(['type1'])
# create color map
colors = {'bcu': 'red', 'bll': 'blue', 'fsrq': 'green'}
# plot colors using mapping from the type column
df1.plot(color=df['type1'].apply(lambda x: colors[x]))
The graph is an absolute mess and I am not sure why you would want to plot that much data on a single chart but there you go.
EDIT : To change the legend
ax = df1.plot(color=df['type1'].apply(lambda x: colors[x]))
ax.legend(['bcu', 'bll', 'fsrq'])