I'm using python-docx but I don't understand or retrieve any way to change the style (from bold to normal) of the title. My code is:
import docx
from docx.shared import RGBColor
from docx.shared import Pt
from docx.dml.color import ColorFormat
from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE
#format only the filename as return text
def format_filename(fname):
index = fname.rfind('\\')
font.color.rgb = RGBColor(255,0,0)
#IF statement for structuring the fine name
if index>0:
filename = fname[index + 1, len(fname)]
index = fname.rfind('/')
filename = fname[index + 1 : len(fname)]
return filename
#print all the file into docx
def print_file(file):
font.bold = False
font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0,0,0)
cnt = 0
fp = open(file, 'r')
#read all the file and use every single line
for line in fp.readlines():
cnt += 1
#if it's the first line add paragraph
if cnt == 1:
paragraph = document.add_paragraph(line)
#else continue the paragraph
#open file
document = docx.Document()
filepath = '../cap1/prg1.txt'
# set the font in the paragraph
run = document.add_paragraph().add_run()
style = document.styles['Normal']
font = style.font
font.name = 'Courier New'
font.size = Pt(10.5)
font.bold = True
font.color.rgb = RGBColor(255,0,0)
#print as a heading the filename
filename = format_filename(filepath) #self procedure for format the filename
document.add_heading(filename , level=2)
#print all the file
Here is how the title looks like after coloring:
You need to update color for Heading 2
style. Here is the example:
import docx
# Create doc
document = docx.Document()
# Add black title
styles = document.styles
styles['Heading 2'].font.color.rgb = docx.shared.RGBColor(0, 0, 0)
document.add_heading('Title', level=2)
# Add text
paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
# Save file